Uncovering Digital Value: The Aux Insights Investigative Approach


September 27, 2024

Private equity investors understand that due diligence is paramount. And with over $500 billion transacted through acquisitions annually, evaluating the digital landscape of a potential investment is not just advantageous—it's essential. At Aux Insights, we bring a unique perspective to digital marketing due diligence, drawing on our combined experience in investigative journalism, financial analysis, and hands-on digital marketing execution. By pulling on the narrative threads that lie dormant inside of data, we carefully unpack the story it tells, and in the process reveal a company's true digital potential.

From Newsroom Deadlines to Boardroom Insights

The seeds of our investigative approach were sown long before Aux Insights existed. Our CEO's background as a TV reporter instilled a deep-seated curiosity and a relentless pursuit of the truth. Just as a journalist meticulously pieces together a story, we dissect a company's digital presence, leaving no stone unturned.

This journalistic lens, combined with our team's financial acumen, allows us to connect the dots between marketing metrics and bottom-line impact, translating complex digital strategies into the language of EBITDA and ROI. Our approach transcends simply asking questions; we're highly intentional about knowing which questions to ask. We dive deep into the nuances of ad accounts, dissect conversion funnels, and scrutinize website analytics with the same rigor that a journalist would apply to an investigative report.

Beyond the Surface: Uncovering Hidden Potential

Many firms offer high-level digital marketing assessments. We go further. Our team of seasoned digital operators rolls up their sleeves and gets into the trenches, analyzing the very core of a company's digital operations. We've been there, done that, and we know what to look for.

Whether it's optimizing ad spend, improving conversion rates, or identifying untapped market segments, we provide actionable insights that drive tangible results. This hands-on, investigative approach has led to significant wins for our clients. For instance, we recently helped a portfolio company achieve a 21% increase in conversion rate within just two months, adding $7 million to their bottom line.

The Aux Insights Difference: Operators, Not Theorists

What sets us apart from the McKinseys, Bains, and BCGs of the world? We're not just consultants; we're operators. Our team comprises individuals who have built, scaled, and sold businesses. We understand the practical challenges of digital marketing because we've faced them ourselves.

This operational expertise allows us to provide insights that are not just theoretically sound but practically implementable. We don't just tell you what to do; we show you how to do it, and often, we roll up our sleeves and do it alongside you.

The Aux Insights Commitment: Data-Driven, Results-Oriented

We believe in transparency and accountability. At Aux Insights, we don't take on projects unless we're confident we can deliver at least a 3x ROI in the first year. We don't believe value creation comes from lengthy reports filled with jargon; it comes from battle-tested solutions that produce real, measurable results that impact our clients' bottom line.

We speak the language of private equity, translating complex marketing concepts into clear, concise financial terms that matter most to investors. Our reports aren't just documents; they're roadmaps to value creation, backed by data and informed by years of operational experience.

Bridging the Gap: Digital Marketing Sophistication and Future State Readiness

In the world of private equity, understanding a company's digital marketing capabilities is more crucial than ever before. And while of course we care about the company’s current digital marketing performance, we also look to understand its potential. Can this company scale its customer acquisition? Is its digital infrastructure robust enough to support growth? Are there untapped channels or markets?

These are the questions we help answer. By bridging the gap between digital marketing expertise and private equity acumen, we provide a unique value proposition. We're not just assessing the ‘now’; we're identifying opportunities for growth and value creation.

Partnering for Success in the Digital Age

As good deals become increasingly competitive for private equity, a robust digital marketing strategy remains one of the leading opportunities for value creation. At Aux Insights, we empower private equity firms and their portfolio companies with the tools needed to win, providing the insights and expertise needed to make informed investment decisions and drive sustainable growth.

The investigative approach we use at Aux is more than just a methodology; it's in our DNA. It's how we unearth hidden value, mitigate risk, and unlock the full potential of your digital marketing organization. Whether you're conducting due diligence on a potential acquisition or looking to optimize the digital strategy of an existing portfolio company, Aux Insights is your partner in building digital marketing excellence.

As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain committed to our core values: curiosity, integrity, and results. We believe we’re building more than just a consulting firm; we're building a new approach to digital marketing strategy in the private equity world. And we're just getting started.

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